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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Rudolf Kolisch and his Research “Tempo and Character in Beethoven’s Music”

N. I. Degtyareva, A. D. Efimovsky
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the outstanding Austrian violinist Rudolf Kolisch 
(1896–1978) and his main theoretical work Tempo and Character in 
Beethoven’s Music. The article highlights the main information about 
Kolisch’s creative biography, his contacts with Schoenberg and the per-
forming priorities of the Kolisch Quartet, one of the leading chamber 
ensembles of the fi rst half of the 20th century. The review of the Kolisch’s 
research, whose criticism is focused on disputing false interpretations, 
features of the author’s analytical method, and the main points of his con-
cept, such as the understanding of tempo as an integrative component of 
the artistic idea (character), the principles of the tempo-characters typol-
ogy and Beethoven’s metronome readings as an objective criterion for its 
tempo intentions. 
Keywords: Kolisch, Schoenberg, the Kolisch-Quartet, Beethoven, Tempo and Character, metronome, performing traditions.
1. Vlasova N. O. Tvorchestvo Arnol’da Shyonberga. M.: Izd-vo LKI, 2007. 528 s.
2. Gershkovich F. O muzyke: Stat’i. Zametki. Pis’ma. Vospominaniya. M.: Sov. 
kompozitor, 1991. 349 s. 
3. Kovnatskaya L. [Predislovie k russkomu izdaniyu] // Shyonberg A. Pis’ma / sost. 
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SPb.: Kompozitor•Sankt-Peterburg, 2001. S. 9–35. 
4. Shyonberg A. Pis’ma / sost. i publ. E. Shtayna; per. s nem. V. Shnitke; obshch. 
red. M. Druskina i L. Kovnatskoy. SPb.: Kompozitor•Sankt-Peterburg, 2001. 464 s.
5. Jacobson B. Kolisch, Rudolf // The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musi-
cians. 2nd ed.: [in 29 vols.] / ed. by Stanley Sadie; executive ed. John Tyrrell. Vol. 13: 
Jennens to Kuerti. Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. P. 755–756.
6. Kolisch R. Tempo and Character in Beethoven᾽s Music / The Musical 
Qarterly. Vol. 29, № 2. P. 169–187. 
7. Kolisch R. Tempo and Character in Beethoven᾽s Music / The Musical 
Qarterly. Vol. 29. № 3. P. 291–312.
8. Kolisch R. Tempo und Charakter in Beethovens Musik / hrsg, v. H. K. Metzger 
u. R. Riehn / mit Komment. u. Nachwort R. Busch u. D. Satz. Mьnchen: Edition 
Text+Kritik GmbH, 1992 (Musik-Konzepte 76/77). 170 S.
9. Kolisch R. Tempo and Character in Beethoven᾽s Music / The Musical Qarterly. 
Vol. 77, № 1. Pp. 90–131. 
10. Kolisch R. Tempo and Character in Beethoven᾽s Music / The Musical Qarterly. 
Vol. 77, № 2. Pp. 268–342.
Price: 50 рублей
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