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Humanities and Science University Journal № 42 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Pushkin and Postpushkin Intertext in the Story of Sergei Dovlatov “The Reserve”

O. V. Bogdanova, E. A. Vlasova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper considers intertextuality of S. Dovlatov’s story “The Reserve” 
and establishes Pushkin’s and post-Pushkin’s connections and allu-
sions. Among the pretexts to Dovlatov there can be stated the following: 
Pushkin’s “Eugene Onegin”, “Tales of Belkin”, “Dubrovsky”, “The 
Stone Guest”, “The Captain’s Daughter”, “I loved you...”, “Andrew 
Chenier”, “Again I visited...”, “I have erected a monument to myself 
built not by human hands...” and others. However, as the paper shows, 
the mosaic of the pretexts in “The Reserve” is much broader and 
diverse. Post-Pushkin’s pretexts in the research work are determined 
by the names of I. Goncharov (“Oblomov”), A. Blok (“The Stranger”, 
etc.), A. Solzhenitsyn (“Matryona’s House”), V. Shukshin (“Cut”), 
V. Erofeev (“Moscow — Petushki”), V. Piecuch (“The scoundrel”), 
novels by I. Il’f and E. Petrov (“Twelve chairs”, “Golden calf”) and 
others. The work concludes that interpretation of the intertext in Dov-
latov’s novel results into ubiquitous (eternal) literary allusions and 
parallels, and sets semantic synchrony between different texts of the 
classic and modern literature.
Keywords: modern Russian literature, Sergei Dovlatov, “The Reserve”, intertext, pretext, intertextema.
1.  Mechik-Blank Ks. O nazvaniyakh dovlatovskikh knizhek // Sergey Dovlatov: 
tvorchestvo, lichnost’, sud’ba / sost. A. Yu. Ar’yev. SPb.: Zvezda, 1999. 320 s. URL: 
http://sergeidovlatov.com (data obrashcheniya: 08.08.2018).
2. Sukhikh I. N. Sergey Dovlatov: vremya, mesto, sud’ba. SPb.: Azbuka, 2010. 288 s.
Price: 50 рублей
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