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The Scientific Opinion №10 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

Fantasy as an Element of Artistic Thinking of E. A. Nagrodskaya

Liu Yin
Price: 50 руб.
The paper considers the special role of fantasy elements in the stories by E.A. Nagrorodskaya (1866–1930). It shows the clash of two worlds - the world of the ordinary 
and the world of the imaginary. The writer’s skill in using the poetics of “doubling the world” and recreation of two streams — the real and supernatural, irreal being — is 
Keywords: fantasy elements, stories by E. A. Nagrodskaya, clash of two worlds, poetics of 
“doubling the world”, recreation of two streams.
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3. Gracheva A. M. Russkaya belletristika 1900–1910-kh gg.: idei i zhanrovye formy 
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V. V. Polonskogo. M., 2009. S. 543–587.
Price: 50 рублей
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