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Humanities and Science University Journal № 41 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2018

Brief Analysis of Chinese Traditional Portrait Painting Development

S. V. Anchukov
Price: 50 руб.
This article aims to study traditional Chinese portrait painting from the standpoint of Chinese traditional arts and cultural background. The author considers evolution of Chinese portrait painting in different periods from the ancient times to the relatively mature period of the Tang and Song dynasties, later into the more independent Yuan, 
Ming and Qing Dynasties. The purpose of the article is to explore the development of Chinese portraits under the infl uence of political, cultural and other ideological backgrounds; to evaluate signifi cance of traditional and innovative art; to preserve traditional portrait artistic thinking and painting techniques. All these are most important tasks of contemporary artists. 
Key words: figure painting, portraits, antiquity, ancient times, Tang and Song Dynasties, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.
1. Gao Khuachzhen. Issledovanie portretov s rakursom v profi l’ epokhi Vozrozh-
deniya. Pekin: Issledovatel’skiy tsentr kitayskogo iskusstva, 2016. 50 s. (高华征. 文艺
复兴时期的侧面肖像画研究.中国艺术研究院.北京. 2016. 50).
2. Du Yatin. Issledovanie osobennostey khudozhestvennogo stilya imperatorskikh 
portretov dinastii Sun. Futszyan’: Futszyan’skiy pedagogicheskiy universitet, 2016. 60 s. 
(杜亚婷.宋代帝王肖像画艺术特征探析.福建师范大学.福建. 2016. 60). 
3. Li Lipin. Issledovanie osobennostey zhen’ukhua pri imperatorskom dvore dinastii 
Min. Shan’dun: Tekhnologicheskiy universitet Shan’duna, 2015. 57 s. 
(李丽萍. 明代宫廷人物画艺术特色研究.山东理工大学.山东 2015. 57). 
4. Chzhao Zhuy. Ofi tsial’naya portretnaya zhivopis’ epokhi Tsyan’luna. Pekin, 1999. 
47 s. (赵锐.乾隆时期宫廷肖像画.美术研究. 北京.1999. 47). 
5. Chzhun Vey. Osobye pravila izobrazheniya v kitayskom iskusstve portreta. Pekin: 
Obrazovanie v sfere iskusstva. 2011. 56 s. (钟伟.中国肖像画的独特造型规律.艺术
教育.北京.2011. 56). 
Price: 50 рублей
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