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The Scientific Opinion №9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2018

How the Social and Cultural Transformation has Impacted the Graphic Style in Books

Zhang Rong
Price: 50 руб.
The spread of Western culture during the period of the Republic of 
China has formed a variety of styles of book images. In the context 
of socio-cultural background of the Republic of China, book design 
styles infl uenced by the changes in socio-cultural systems, demon-
strated new forms in terms of color, structure and content, different 
from the traditional ones. Russian constructivism strived to create 
a new reality by combining different elements, ultimately reject-
ing traditional artistic materials such as oil painting, paints and 
canvases. Awakening and change of designer consciousness was of 
great importance for the development of book images in the period 
of the Republic of China.
Keywords: Russian constructivism, the period of the Republic of China, traditional forms, the awakening of consciousness, book images
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Price: 50 рублей
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