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Archetypes of Musical Thinking in the Evolutionary Process

E. L. Alexandrova
Price: 50 руб.
The paper discusses some regularities of the evolutionary proc-
ess of the music art. The author defi nes the main archetypes of 
musical thinking from the standpoint of organizing the stream 
of musical images and events: continuum, coordination and 
subordination. Drawing certain parallels with the development 
of the European philosophical consciousness, the author writes 
about particularities of the artistic perception of the musical 
art, its various spheres and styles.
Keywords: evolutionary process, style, continuum, coordination, subordination, 
monophony, polyphony, homophony, highlight and background.
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7. Castйra R. de. Chansons de troubadours / Hamonization pour harpe ou piano par 
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8. Ezer йv kуrusa = Tausend Jahre Chormusik = Choral music of thousand years / 
Forrai Miklos gyujtemenye. – Budapest: Editio Musica, 1977. 379 p.
Price: 50 рублей
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