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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №2, 2019

“The Rhythm is the Main Thing in Writing” (on mystical nature of V. Woolf’s novel “The Waves”)

E. B. Arutyunyan
Price: 50 руб.
The author makes an attempt to obtain the key to the meaning of the novel “The Waves” through its rhythm, to which (not to the plot) the novel was written. The rhythm of the novel is built by revealing the author’s tips, motifs and themes that support the rhythmical structure and its mystical nature. It enriches the text with additional energy of hidden, understated meanings and emotions, hereby opening up new contextual spaces 
of the writer’s epitaph.
Keywords: rhythm, rhythmical structure, mystical nature, contextual space, energy, infinite existence.
1. Brodskiy I. A. Sochineniya. SPb., 2001. T. 3. 310 s.
2. Kurchanov N. L. Drevnegermanskie runy: magicheskiy tekst kak simvoliko-
poeticheskoe yedinstvo // Lingvisticheskie i didakticheskie aspekty analiza teksta. SPb.: 
RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 1999. 132 s.
3. Nitsshe F. Izbrannye proizvedeniya. M.: Prosveshchenie, 1993. 571 s.
4. The diary of Virginia Woolf. Volume III / Edited by Anne Olivier Bell. 1983. 
384 р.
Price: 50 рублей
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