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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №1, 2019


Zh. V. Bereza, E. R. Isaeva
Price: 50 руб.
 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25807/PBH. 22224378.2018.7-8.78.85
To study the psychological peculiarities of mothers of drug addicts in relation to the level 
of their codependency, the authors of the paper examined 61 mother of patients addicted to opiates: 46 mothers with a high level of codependency and 15 mothers with a low level. The mothers varied in: intensity of psychopathological symptoms (the Symptom Checklist-90-R adapted by N. V. Tarabrina), styles of emotional communications (A. B. Kholmogorova’s “Family Emotional Communications” questionnaire), level of social support (Social Support Questionnaire F-SOZU-22 adapted by A. B. Kholmogorova, N. G. Garanyan, G. A. Petrova), level of anxiety (Sheehan Patient Rated Anxiety Scale), level of depression (Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale), level of codependency (Kulakov-Vaisov Codependency Scale). 
The data was processed through the comparison of average values and correlation analysis. As a result, the authors of the paper revealed statistically signiBcant differences in clinicalpsychological and socio-psychological features of mothers with a high and low levels of codependency. The examinees with a high level of codependency were characterised by high hostility, anxiety, suspiciousness, and a greater amount of phobia experience. All codependent examinees had more expressed disorders in family emotional communications, they were less socially integrated and indisposed to ask other people for emotional and instrumental support, compared to the norm.
Key words: codependency, level of codependency, dependency on opioids.
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