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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №1, 2019


A. V. Myakushkin
Price: 50 руб.
The paper deals with the current problems of addictology. The author substantiates the 
expediency of scientists’ focusing on the legal paradigm of addictology and conducting 
comprehensive research in this area. The author puts forward a hypothesis about the ex-
istence of independent subjects of legal relations — “citizens-addicts” and analyses the 
correlation of the concepts “identity of addict” and “citizen-addict”. The author proposes 
to create a separate academic discipline and work programme “Legal Addictology” for 
full-time undergraduate students in the areas of Jurisprudence (40.03.01), Psychology 
(37.03.01), Confl ictology (37.03.02), Social Work (39.03.02) and Organisation of Work 
with Young People (39.03.03) in order to train specialists with skills in the prevention 
of addictive behaviour in the fi eld of social work, law enforcement and human rights.
Key  words: legal paradigm of addictology, identity of addict, citizen-addict, addictive 
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http://www.healthdata.org/ (data obrashcheniya: 20.01.2019).
Price: 50 рублей
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