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The Scientific Opinion. Economic, juridical and sociological sciences №4, 2018


V. V. Nimirovskii
Price: 50 руб.
The article reviews the role of the United Nations (UN) in interstate cooperation in 
the fi eld of anti-human traffi cking. It shows the necessity of expansion, extension and 
strengthening of the UN governments’ cooperation in preventing and countering human 
traffi cking. The author analyses international legal agreements adopted by the UN on 
preventing and countering human traffi cking. The author also studies documents of inter-
state cooperation in preventing and countering human traffi cking, including the internal 
regulations of the Russian Federation. The views of such scientists as E. V. Turukanova, 
F. L. Sinitsina, A. K. Bekryashev, I. P. Belozerov, N. S. Bekryasheva, A. I. Bastrikina, 
V. P. Zimina, R. Kh. Kubova, V. V. Merkushina, E. B. Melnikova, T. T. Mansurova on 
human traffi cking are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that the interna-
tional legal agreements adopted by the UN promoted the formation of local international 
legal agreements. The attention is drawn to the necessity of development of international 
legal relations that provide interstate cooperation in the development of legal documents 
in the framework of the UN for successful prevention and counteraction to human traf-
fi cking.
Key words: international judicial cooperation, human traffi cking, agreements, anti-
human traffi cking, legal documents.
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Price: 50 рублей
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