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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №27 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2017

Experimental Research of Digital Color Correction Models and Their Impact on Visual Fixation of Video Frames

E.V. Borevich, S. V. Mescheryakov, V. E. Yanchus
Price: 50 руб.
This article presents a new methodology and the results of visual modeling experiments to evaluate numerically the stimulating impact of various digital color correction schemes on human visual fi xation and perception of video frames in the cinema industry. Experimental data are analyzed via statistical methods and practical conclusions are given.
Keywords: video frame, digital color correction, stimulating methods, visual fi xation,
factoring analysis.
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4. Borevich, E.V., Mescheryakov, S.V., & Yanchus, V.E. Experimental research of computerized
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8. Orlov, P.A., Laptev, V.V., & Ivanov, V.M. Revisiting the issue of eye-tracking
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10. Mescheryakov, S.V., Shchemelinin, D.A., & Yanchus, V.E. Effective technique
to reduce big data computations in 3D modeling of dynamic objects. Humanities and
Science University Journal. Physical and Mathematical, Technical and Biological Sciences, 2016, 17, 61–69.
Price: 50 рублей
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