N. N. Isaeva, O. L. Pominova
Price: 50 руб.
The article gives a theoretical analysis of scientific views on the formation of personal
qualities and individual characteristics of future officers, and discloses the ways
of forming cadets’ personal qualities contributing to their professional success and
consolidation in a military collective. The authors studied the relationship between the
efficiency of consolidation in a military unit of the National Guard Forces Command
of the Russian Federation and personal qualities of future commanders of the unit. The
authors demonstrated the potential of ideas related to the formation and development of
personal qualities that will contribute to successful solution of tasks by future officers
on consolidation of subordinates. The article is of practical interest to teachers, adjuncts,
and commanders of cadet divisions at military institutions of the National Guard Forces
Command of the Russian Federation.
Key words: personal qualities, professionally important qualities, individual characteristics, consolidation, military unit, self-realisation, motivation, unit, cadets, National Guard of the Russian Federation.
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