E. K. Blinova
Price: 50 руб.
The article analyzes the poetic techniques ofthe re plication of the mindset in the poems by B. Pasternak from the perspective of the interpretation of color as a sensual experience of sensory memory.
Keywords: poems by B. Paster nak, the unity of the poetic and visual
images, landscape, color.
1. Manin V. O znachenii tvorchestva I. I. Shishkina // Iskusstvo. 1982. № 1. S. 51–61.
2. Sinyavskiy A. Poeziya Pasternaka // B. Pasternak. Stikhotvoreniya i poemy. M.,
1965. 732 s.
3. Yakobson A. Lektsii o Pasternake. URL: http://www.uamconsult.com/book_842_
chapter_2_Glava_1.html (data obrashcheniya 27.10.17).