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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 31 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2017

The problem of informational and analytical support of cadets’ professional training at military institutes of the National Guard Forces Command

N. N. Isaeva, O. L. Pominova
Price: 50 руб.
 The research is relevant due to the study of informational and analytical support of
cadets’ professional training at military institutes of the National Guard. The article
shows the perspectives of using the ideas of informational and analytical support of
training of cadets – future officers of the National Guard Forces Command, possessing
professional competence and high professionalism. The authors justify the creation of
new pedagogical systems in military institutes, which are based on the principles of
efficiency, quality and innovative development. The system approach is defined in the
article as a basis of the organisation of informational and analytical support at military
institute. The authors refine the concepts of informational and analytical support and
informational system. The article is of practical interest for teachers, adjuncts, officers
of military educational institutes of higher professional education of the National Guard
Forces Command.
Key words: informational and analytical support, information, cadets, military
institute, National Guard of the Russian Federation.
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Price: 50 рублей
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