N. M. Pustovoit
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The aim of this study is to analyse the formation of the religious anthropology of
Vladimir Solovyov (1853–1900) – a Russian thinker, supporter of the views and
ideas of the Slavophiles, who was confident in the special mission of Russia, who
had a significant impact on the development of the subsequent Russian philosophy
of the Silver Age in Russia, who criticised the Western philosophical paradigm,
in which a person, the subject of cognition, and the integrity of this subject are
lost. Solovyov developed interesting philosophical ideas of cosmism in the light of
religious experience and mystical contemplation and such notions as “unitotality”
and “sophianism”, as well as a specific godmanhood concept of man combining
a number of opposites: “Man is both a divinity and nothingness”. In the spirit of
objective idealism, V. Solovyov places the unity of God and man into the centre of
his religious anthropological philosophy as an obvious and understandable aspect of
Key words: abstract principle, unitotality, Sophia, godmanhood, organic wholeness,
integral knowledge, elementary essence.
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