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"The Scientific Opinion" №5 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2017


R. H. Shaimardanov
Price: 50 руб.
 Studies in the field of ethnic pedagogy are mostly descriptive. It is not enough to describe folk pedagogy, it is also necessary to scientifically comprehend the material from the standpoint of ethnic pedagogy. This brings up the issue about the way of investigatingn and describing folk pedagogy from scientific positions, that is, about the methodology of studying the subject of pedagogy.
Key words: ethnic pedagogy, goal, objectives, content, practices, methods, rituals,
festivals, traditions, language, folklore, history of people, material and spiritual culture
of people, national identity.
1. Volkov G. N. Etnopedagogika. Cheboksary, 1974. 376 s.
2. Gatiatullina E. R., Kalinina N. V., Shaymardanov R. Kh. Filosofskie osnovaniya sovremennogo obrazovaniya: monografiya / pod red. E. A. Omel’chenko. Novosibirsk: Izd-vo OOO «TsSRNI». 2014. 128 s.
3. Gashimov A. Sh. Idei umstvennogo i nravstvennogo vospitaniya v azerbaydzhanskikh skazkakh i poslovitsakh. Baku, 1957.
4. Izmaylov A. E. Narodnaya pedagogika: pedagogicheskie vozzreniya narodov Sredney Azii i Kazakhstana. M.: Pedagogika, 1991. 256 s.
5. Kapterev P. F. Novaya russkaya pedagogika, eyo glavneyshie idei, napravleniya i deyateli. SPb.:nIzd-vo «Russkaya shkola». 2-e izd., dop., 1914. 212 s.
6. Komenskiy Ya. A. Mudrost’ starykh chekhov. Praga, 1954. 76 s. (per. s chesh. A. A. Dymicha).
7. Leont’yev A. A. Vospitanie u vostochnykh slavyan v VI–IX vekakh. Narodnaya pedagogika. URL:http://www.profile-edu.ru/vospitanie-u-vostochnyx-slavyan-v-vi-ix-vv.html
8. Makedonov L. V. Nikolay Fedorovich Bunakov, ego zhizn’ i deyatel’nost’: Biograf. ocherk. SPb.: Gutzats, 1907. 44 s.
9. Pestalotstsi I. G. Izbrannye pedagogicheskie sochineniya: v 2 t. / pod red. V. A. Rotenberg, V. M. Klarina. M.: Pedagogika, 1981. T. 1. 336 s.
10. Ushinskiy K. D. O narodnosti v obshchestvennom vospitanii // Zhurnal dlya vospitaniya. 1857. № 7; № 8. 63 s.
11. Ushinskiy K. D. Izbr. ped. soch.: v 2 t. M., 1974. T. 1. S. 145–159.
12. Khanbikov Ya. I. Narodnaya pedagogika // Pedagogicheskaya entsiklopediya. M., 1966. T. 3. S. 35.
13. Shaymardanov R. Kh., Sibgatullin R. G. Tatarskaya natsional’naya pedagogika. Kazan’: Izd-vo «Dom pechati», 2000. 392 s. (na tatar. yaz.)
Price: 50 рублей
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