F. E. Gumbatova
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This article reviews the linguistic means of the explicit representation of author’s voice found in 18th century academic texts. For example, the number of the author’s references expressed by first person singular and plural are viewed as the author’s terms of identification. The works of Johann Christoph Adelung on grammar and German stylistics, “Umständliches Lehrgebäude der deutschen Sprache” (1782) and “Über den deutschen Styl” (1785–1786) are chosen as the material data for the study. As a result of the functional-semantic research it was found that J. C. Adelung quite
frequently resorts to the direct identification of the author. On the basis of the analysis it became evident that in the academic written communication of that period the form of the explicit identification is not a “forbidden form”; moreover, it occurs often and is more strongly represented within 18th century academic texts rather than in contemporary writings. The analyzed data leads to the conclusion that with the help of the personal means of the author’s identification might not only refer to the author’s voice in the text,
but it also helps to express the essence of the academic research.
Keywords: 18th century scientific text, J. C. Adelung, personal means of selfidentification, explicit reference to the author, author and reader.
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