I. I. Yugay
Price: 50 руб.
Application of new media technologies in art practices introduced new approaches to the creation and presentation of artworks in contemporary art and to the forms of its existence, expanded ways and content of artcommunication. The paper demonstrates the possibilities of application of game strategy in fostering viewer’s participation in the interactive new media artworks during 1990–2000. Specifi cs of the applied media
technologies are analyzed, technically different media environment with their collective work are described, and creative collaborations, creative competition, increasing activity of the viewer are characterized. The article also covers the creative potential of the analyzed media works. The forms of participation in interactive media works are viewed from the perspective of viewer’s specifi cs communicative experience and opportunities of creative activity in such media environment.
Keywords: new media art, game, contemporary art, interactivity, multimedia, media-art,
art practice.
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