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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 25 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Main Trends and Features of Development in the Business Environment in Russia’s Northwest in the Second Half of the 19th Century

V. N. Kuznetsov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article reveals tendencies and speci fi c features of the development of the Metropolitan and provincial business world of the Northwest of Russia, shows
the changes of population number and structure in the 2nd half of the XIX century.
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business world, modernization, factors, development trends.
1. Baryshnikov M. N. Delovoy mir dorevolyutsionnoy Rossii: individy, organizatsii,
instituty: monogra fi ya. SPb.: OOO «Knizhnyi dom», SPb IGO, 2006. 412 s.
2. Vedomost’ o promyslovom oblozhenii na 1867 god // Yezhegodnik Minister stva
fi nansov. Vyp. 1 na 1869. SPb., 1869. S. 326–327.
3. Vidy vnutrenney torgovli i promyshlennosti v Sankt-Peterburge. SPb., 1868.
4. Ivanova N. A., Zheltova V. P. Soslovno-klassovaya struktura Rossii v kontse
XIX — nachale XX veka. M.: Nauka, 2004. 574 s.
5. Kuznetsov V. N.  Modernizatsionnye faktory i tendentsii ekonomicheskogo
razvitiya Severo-Zapadnogo rayona Rossii: obshcheye i osobennoe (vtoraya polovina
XIX veka) // Nauchnoe mnenie. 2012. № 1. S. 38–46.
6. Kuznetsov V. N. Predprinimatel’stvo i protsessy modernizatsii Rossiyskoy imperii
vo vtoroy polovine XIX veka (na materialakh Severo-Zapadnogo rayona). SPb.:
Asterion, 2014. 312 s.
7. Materialy dlya torgovo-promyshlennoy statistiki. Statisticheskie rezul’taty
protsentnykh i raskladochnykh sborov za 1890, 1891, 1892…1896, 1897, 1898 gody
po ischisleniyu, klassi fi katsii i opredeleniyu sborov i pribyley torgovo-promyshlennykh
predpriyatiy, podlezhashchikh sim sboram. SPb., 1895–1900.
8. Sbornik svedeniy po Yevropeyskoy Rossii za 1882 god. SPb., 1884. S. 180–187.
9. Svod dannykh o torgovykh sborakh v Rossii na 1897 i 1898 gody. SPb., 1900.
S. 12–31.
10. Statisticheskiy vremennik Rossiyskoy imperii. Seriya II. Vyp. 5. SPb.: Izd. TsSK
MVD, 1866.
Price: 50 рублей
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