A. A. Telegin
Price: 50 руб.
The article attempts to make sense of power as a meaningful basis in view of its cultural,
historical and philosophical dimension in the works of K. Leontiev. This context is
important for understanding the meaning of dominion and prospects of integration of
power into a stable and sustainable life reality.
Key words: power, power relations, state, conservatism, Byzantinism, Slavdom.
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2. Leont’yev K. N. Zapiski otshel’nika. M., 1992.
3. Sapronov P. A. Russkaya fiosofia. Problema svoeobraziya i osnovnye linii razvitiya. SPb., 2008.
4. Frank S. L. Mirosozertsanie Konstantina Leont’yeva // Pro et contra. SPb., 1995. S. 235–240.