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"The Scientific Opinion" №13 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016

PR-Texts in the Formation of the City Image

V. A. Pul’kina
Price: 50 руб.
 Territorial image-making helps to attract additional resources to citi es, regions and countries. The article reviews the potential of using PR-texts in the formation of the city image. It provides an updated de fi nition of PR-text in accordance with the recent trends in the communication process. The article also describes the function of PR-texts in relation to the process of building a viable city image. The author gives examples of online and offl ine texts, functioning in the area of communication, and formulates the de fi nition of PR-text in the territorial image-making.
Keywords: image of the territory, territorial image-making, PR-text, functions of PR-texts.
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Price: 50 рублей
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