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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 21 (Philology and Archaeology, World History, Art History), 2016

The Importance of the Social Role of Lianhuanhua for Education and Parenting in the Chinese Society (1949–1985)

Liu Qi
Price: 50 руб.
 Upon establishment of People’s Republic of China in 1949 ideological education and various aspects of spiritual life of the country were in great need of reconstruction and reforms. Lianhuanhua, being a favourite form of art of the Chinese people, made an outstanding contribution to the system of education, propaganda and cultural life, and served as a re fl ection of social values and aspirations.
Keywords: Lianhuanhua, values, function.
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2. Obshchaya situatsiya i osnovnye voprosy izdaniya knig v kartinkakh v
Shankhae (上海连环图画的出版情况及主要问题): materialy po istorii pechati KNR
(中华人民共和国出版史料). Pekin: Izd-vo kitayskogo knizhnogo dela (中国书籍出
版社), 1999.
3. Sai Ruohong. Voprosy transformatsii knig v kartinkakh (关于连环图画的改造
问题) // Narodnoe izobrazitel'noe iskusstvo (人民美术). 1950. № 1.
Price: 50 рублей
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