A. V. Lelenkova
Price: 50 руб.
This article analyzes the process of the revitalization of trilateral security and defense cooperation between the United States, Japan and India in the AsiaPaci fi c region at the turn of the 20th and 21 st centuries. The rise of China in recent decades poses a threat to the preservation of balance and alignment of a multipolar system in the politically and economically growing region of Asia-Paci fi c. Under these circumstances, the United States and Japan, as main military and political allies, have to expand their cooperation, attracting strong Asia-Paci fi c states. India has become one of such reliable partners.
Being the largest democracy in the region, India shares the basic economic and strategic goals of the United States and Japan. Thus, further development of the US-Japan-India trilateral cooperation may lead to positive results for the preservation of peace and security in the Asia-Paci fi c region.
Keywords: USA, Japan, India, cooperation, AsiaPaci fi c region.
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