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"The Scientific Opinion" №8-9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


I. V. Astrakhantseva, A. V. Nazarenko,
Price: 50 руб.
 Numerous studies on the ways of improving environmental education mention the
need to organise environmental education as an integral part of the educational process,
constituting a unifid whole together with education. However, the undeveloped state of
the problem makes it diffiult to search for the main directions of development, theoretical
foundation, and revelation of the interplay between various structural components
and elements that make up the main content of the ecological education system. The
author of the paper presents a scheme of managing ecological education of pedagogical
university students that reflcts the sequence of construction of the process; features of
organisation of the ecological education system; conditions of its effiiency, which aims
at diversifid consideration of the process. The scheme consists of fie different units,
each of which solves its specifi problems and has its content. One of the central blocks
is diagnostics that reveals initial indices of formedness of environmental education and
their dynamics with the increase of the level of professional pedagogical environmental
training of future teachers. The methodology of environmental education, developed
on the basis of the scheme of environmental education management system, was tested
with a pedagogical experiment and proved to be effective. The students achieved higher
indicators characterising the quality changes of the basic parameters of professional and
pedagogical training of future environmental educators.
Key words: environmental education, management, technique, professional
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7. Nazarenko A. Some approaches to improving the system of environmental education // Proceedings of the IX International Academic Congress “Contemporary Science and Education in Americas, Africa and Eurasia” (Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, 18–20 August 2015). Volume III. “UFRJ Press”, 2015. Р. 436–443.
Price: 50 рублей
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