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"The Scientific Opinion" №8-9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2016


l. B. Abdullina, T. I. Petrova, R. F. Berzina
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper is focused on the fact that the national cultural diversity in the Republic
of Bashkortostan creates favourable conditions for the development of intercultural
competence and related ethnopedagogical abilities of students in the process of
interethnic communication and educational activities, for the enhancement of their
general cultural horizons. The article defies the appropriate conditions at pedagogical
university, which would use the resources of the effective and implemented in practice
system of professional formation of multinational school teachers. The material allows us
to conclude that the use of ethnopedagogics in teaching students involves the formation
of ethnopedagogical culture, knowledge of the history of the country, local history,
traditions and culture of people’s life.
Key words: ethnos, ethnocultural traditions, multicultural educational space,
ethnopedagogical culture, ethnocultural component.
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8. Urusova Z. M. O formirovanii etnopedagogicheskoy kul’tury studentov v usloviyakh obrazovatel’nogo prostranstva // Sb. materialov III Vseros. etnopedagogicheskikh chteniy, posv. ped. naslediyu G. N. Volkova, Sterlitamak, 1–2 okt. 2009 g. Sterlitamak, 2009. S. 151–155.
Price: 50 рублей
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