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"The Scientific Opinion" № 1, 2014

Geographic terms of the Siberian Tatars in “Samples of Folk Literature...” by W. Radloff

R. Kh. Yanabaev
Price: 50 руб.
 W. Radloff initiated the scientific study of the Tatar dialects of Siberia. In volume 4 of his
work “Samples of Folk Literature from the Turkic Tribes...” the academician subdivided
the patois of the Siberian Tatars into Tyumen, Tobolsk, Tara and Barabinsk. The study
on the Tobol and Irtysh toponymy revealed some lexical units involved in forming of
geographical names in the Tobolsk patois of the Tobol-Irtysh dialect of the Siberian
Key words: Siberian Tatars, dialect, patois, appellative, microtoponym, oikonym.
1. Alishina Kh. Ch. Tobolo-irtyshskiy dialekt yazyka sibirskikh tatar. Kazan’, 1994.
2. Barsukova R. S. Zabolotnyi govor tobolo-irtyshskogo dialekta tatarskogo yazyka v sravnitel’nom osveshchenii. Kazan’, 2004. 160 s.
4. Drevnetyurkskiy slovar’. L., 1969. 495 s.
4. Kononov A. N. V. V. Radlov i otechestvennaya tyurkologiya // Tyurkologicheskiy sbornik / M.: Nauka, 1971.
5. Popova V. N. Gidronimicheskie terminy // Toponimika Vostoka. M.: Nauka, 1969. s. 149.
6. Radlov V. V. Obraztsy narodnoy literatury tyurkskikh plemen: v 10 t. Ch. 4. Narechiya barabintsev, tarskikh, tobol’skikh i tyumenskikh tatar. SPb., 1872. 456 s.
7. Rakhimbakiev S. Z. Istoriko-lingvisticheskoe izuchenie tyurkskikh toponimov Zapadnoy Sibiri XVIII veka (po materialam G.F. Millera): avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Kazan’, 2011. 24 s.
8. Tomilov N. A. Sibirskie tatary v sisteme istoriko-kul’turnykh obshchnostey (XIX – nach. XX v.) // Sibirskie tatary: materialy I Sibirskogo simpoziuma «Kul’turnoe nasledie narodov Zapadnoy Sibiri». Tobol’sk, 1998.
9. Tumasheva D. G. Dialekt – osnova // Kazan’. Idel’. 1994. № 4.
10. Tumasheva D. G. Slovar’ dialektov sibirskikh tatar. Kazan’: izd-vo KGU, 1992.
Price: 50 рублей
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