O. L. Nekrasova-Karateyeva, E. P. Stalinskaya
Price: 50 руб.
The article’s focus is on the experience of art and graphic drawings by the famous Russian ballet dancers Nikolay and Sergei Legat. Images of ballet dancers in the form of linear graphic caricatures created by them reflect the period of Russian classic
ballet at its peak in the 19th and 20th centuries and represent a significant contribution to the legacy of the Russian graphic arts.
Keywords: arts graphics, linear drawing, caricature, Russian ballet, N. and S. Legat, 19th-20th centuries
1. Balet: entsiklopediya / gl. red. Yu. N. Grigorovich. M.: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya.
1981. 623 s.; il.
2. Vipper B. R. Vvedenie v istoricheskoe izuchenie iskusstva. M.: Izobrazitel’noe
iskusstvo, 1985. 119 s.
3. Gregori Dzhon. Saga o Legate. SPb.: Akademiya Russkogo baleta imeni
A. Ya. Vagano voy, 2014. 182 s.; il.
4. Karsavina T. P. Teatral’naya ulitsa. L.: Iskusstvo, 1971. 247 s.
5. Krotkov A. P. Karikatura. Nepridumannaya istoriya. M.: AST, 2015. 320 s. (Most
cherez vechnost’).
6. Legat N. G. Istoriya russkoy shkoly. SPb.: Akademiya Russkogo baleta imeni
A. Ya. Vaganovoy, 2014. 112 s.; il.
7. Lopukhov F. V. Shest’desyat let v balete. M.: Iskusstvo, 1966. 424 s.
8. Materialy po istorii russkogo baleta. 200 let Leningradskogo khoreograficheskogo
uchilishcha (1738–1938). / sost. M. Borisoglebskiy: v 2 t. L.: Izdanie Leningradskogo
Gosudarstvennogo Khoreograficheskogo uchilishcha, T. I, 1938. 380 s.; T. II, 1939.
356 s.
9. Plasticheskie iskusstva: kratkiy terminologicheskiy slovar’. M.: Passim, 1994. 160 s.