I. V. Romanov, T. A. Nestik
Price: 50 руб.
The article reflects problems of “nebulosity and ambiguity of humanities knowledge”
that determine the complexity of mathematical and computer modelling in the field of
humanities research. Special attention is drawn to the perspectivity of the developing
area of mathematical and computer modelling in the field of humanities knowledge
based on intelligent multi-agent systems (M.A.S.) and the agent-oriented approach. The
article considers the basic features of intelligent agents of multi-agent systems. The authors note the importance of the development trend in M.A.S agents’ (artificial organisms’)c ommunity in the image and likeness of a human community. In this context the authors consider the moral and ethical problem of reflection of social and psychological relations of human society on the principles of agents’ cooperation in multi-agent systems in terms of categories of normative and deviant behaviour.
Key words: agent-oriented approach, network technologies, psychological knowledge.
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