V. V. Rybakov
Price: 50 руб.
The analysis of H.-G. Gadamer’s hermeneutic project in terms of the completeness of
revealing the hermeneutic experience is given in the article. The author demonstrates
the inattention of Gadamer’s hermeneutics to misunderstanding and its specific value
caused by Gadamer’s initial interest to understanding. The article shows the necessity to include the experience of misunderstanding as a collision with communicative nonsense into the structure of hermeneutic experience. Comparing Hadamer’s hermeneutics and philosophy of J. Baudrillard and G. Deleuze, the author reveals the content of communicative nonsense, going beyond the mode of semiotic understanding and establishing connection with being as being of problematic.
Key words: hermeneutics, hermeneutic experience, understanding, misunderstanding,
reversibility, communicative nonsense.
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3. Gadamer Kh.-G. Istina i metod: osnovy filos. germenevtiki. M.: Progress, 1988. 704 s.
4. Delez Zh. Logika smysla. M., Yekaterinburg, 1998. 480 s.
5. Delez Zh. Razlichie i povtorenie. SPb., 1998. 384 s.
6. Dionisiy Areopagit. Sochineniya. Tolkovaniya Maksima Ispovednika. SPb.: Aletey’ya; Izd-vo Olega Abyshko, 2002. 854 s.