V. P. Poznjakov, I. V. Romanov, A. S. Turchin
Price: 50 руб.
The article describes the possibility of using advanced mathematical, heuristic and
intellectual methods in the humanities, in particular in social and psychological
research, based on the example of multi-agent systems. Attention is drawn to the
modern opportunities of modelling complex systems in the humanities. The article
reflects the contemporary views on the subject of mathematics marking that the main
task of mathematical modelling are qualitative relations of the investigated object, and
quantitative relations reflect only particular and not the most significant aspects. In
particular, special attention is drawn to the fact that the view on mathematical modeling
from the position of the paradigm of mathematics as a science of qualitative phenomena
contributes to the development and creation of innovative, breakthrough mathematical
models in the humanities.
Key words: multi-agent systems, network technologies, psychological knowledge.
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