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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 16 (Philology and History, Archaeology and Art), 2015

The Language and Historic Realities in Egyptian Royal Laudatory Texts

N. V. Makeeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper makes note of two major obstacles, which present a challenge for retrieving information about historic events from the ancient Egyptian royal laudatory texts. The first problem is rooted in the ancient Egyptian grammar, i.e. in the lack of tenses of the basic Egyptian verbal form and participial constructions derived from this form, which prevents accurate interpretations of the ontological status of statements. The second problem is the Egyptian tradition of building up new texts from the stock of traditional epithets. Therefore, originality of the text itself, as well as the authenticity of historical facts, which the text presumably contains, cannot be verified.
Keywords: Egypt, royal texts, Middle Egyptian, laudatory phraseology, Lahun, Kadesh.
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Price: 50 рублей
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