Price: 50 руб.
Since the times of the primitive society, the Chinese believed that our soul doesn’t disappear after one’s physical death. The death means only the change of a form of life, transition from the terrestrial world to the afterworld. Therefore, after his/her death the person may need everything that had been necessary during his/her lifetime. The empire of Qin, the first vast unified feudal state, also inherited these religious beliefs. Due to an increased demand for labor during this period, the custom of burying figurines instead of burying the deceased became more widespread. The sepulchre of Emperor Qin Shihuang is the China’s first imperial tomb executed on a grand scale. It had been carefully planned and perfectly preserved. The terracotta army of Qin Shihuang, in comparison with sculptures of the previous period, which are also independent and mature, are the milestone in the transformation of the Chinese sculpture towards maturity.
Keywords: the terracotta army, Qin Shihuan, Funerary sculpture, ancient China, the
Emperor, art, culture.
1. Sun Zhenhua. Istoriya skul'ptury Drevnego Kitaya. Pekin: Kitayskaya molodezh',
2. Yongqi U. Usypal'nitsa Tsin' Shikhuana i terrakotovaya armiya. Pekin: San'tsin',
2004. (Seriya «Mirovoe nasledie v Kitae»).
3. Yuan Zhunyi. Terrakotovaya armiya Tsin' Shikhuana. Pekin: Pamyatniki
material'noy kul'tury, 1988.
4. Baidu: Digital Image Library. URL: (data obrashcheniya: