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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 16 (Philology and History, Archaeology and Art), 2015

The Texture of Robert Schumann’s Piano Pieces through the Prism of German Romanticism

E. L. Alexandrova
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyzes the texture of piano music pieces by R. Schumann, a prominent representative of the German Romanticism, and the creator of a unique piano style. On the basis of analysis from various score examples, the author emphasizes the unique features in the composer’s music in terms of the correlation between highlight and background in his piano texture. The author also describes her observations of
Schumann’s leading themes, form and drama components.
Keywords: texture, style, miniature, form, highlight and background, R. Schumann.
1. Zhitomirskiy D. V. Robert Shuman. Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva. M.: Muzyka,
1964. 880 s.
2. Ruch'yevskaya E. A. Funktsii muzykal'noy temy. L.: Muzyka, 1977. 158 s.
3. Fomina N. G. Kommunikativnaya svyaz' predlozheniy i poryadok slov v
abzatse u Geyne i Gofmana // Voprosy germanskoy filologii i metodiki prepodavaniya
inostrannykh yazykov: materialy 10 Nauchnoy konferentsii. Pskov: Pskovskiy gos. ped.
in-t im. S. M. Kirova, 1968. Vyp. 4. S. 34–39.
4. Abert H. Robert Schumann. Berlin: Harmonia, 1903. 111 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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