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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 16 (Philology and History, Archaeology and Art), 2015

Formulaic Principles of Introducing Direct Speech in the Old German Oral Narrative

G. A. Baeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The article analyzes the means of formulaic introduction of direct speech of a character, which were common for the Old High German language. This study demonstrates that the formulaic principles of introducing direct speech are linked to both the category of the story and the oral form of perception. Lessening of the role of the storyteller
as a result of converting the oral narrative into the written text had led to a gradual shift of focus from the narrator to the direct speech itself, as well as to the disappearance of quedan, and the increase in the use of more neutral verbs, such as sprechen and sagen.
Key words: direct speech, formula, speech verbs, oral tradition, inquitFormeln.
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4. Baeva G. Direkte Rede in Ein kurtzweilig Lesen von Dil Ulenspiegel // Textallianzen: am Schnittpunkt der germanistischen Disziplinen / hrgs. von A. Schwarz. Bern;
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Price: 50 рублей
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