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The Scientific Opinion" № 11 (Historical sciences and archaeology, political science), 2015


Yu. V. Stepanchuk
Price: 50 руб.
 The research vessel “Vityaz” made 65 voyages in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans in 1949–1979. Hydrophysical research took a special place among other sciences in the expeditions. The materials obtained during the expeditions on “Vityaz” contributed to the active development of hydrophysical research such as mesoscale (synoptic) spatiotemporal changeability of hydrophysical fields, sea turbulence and baroclinic whirls of open ocean, optical and acoustic research. The reports about the expeditions kept in the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Museum of the World Ocean were used as sources of information. The paper is devoted to the main stages of works and descriptions of the main research, scientific periodisation for hydrophysical works and significance of the research aboard “Vityaz”.
Key words: sea meteorology, hydrology, history of oceanology, hydrophysical research, research vessel “Vityaz”.
1. Artanova A. K. Osobennosti vetrovogo rezhima na yugo-zapade severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana za vremya pervogo (25-go reysa) «Vityazya» // Trudy Instituta okeanologii. 1960. T. 40. S. 28–33.
2. Burlutskaya V. M. Termodinamicheskie svoystva vozdushnykh mass severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana // Trudy IOAN SSSR. 1963. T. 72. S. 3–40.
3. «Vityaz’» — flagman nauki: uchebnoe posobie / otv. red. V. L. Stryuk. Kaliningrad, 2000. 231 s.
4. Voytova K. V. Sinopticheskie protsessy, pogoda i radiatsiya v rayone Bermudskogo treugol’nika letom 1978 goda (eksperiment «Polimode») // Okeanologicheskie issledovaniya. 1980. № 32. S. 51–56.
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8. Otchet o kompleksnoy okeanograficheskoy ekspeditsii na e/s «Vityaz’». 1951 g. // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 5.
9. Otchet o kompleksnoy okeanograficheskoy ekspeditsii NIS «Vityaz’» po izucheniyu morey dal’nego vostoka v 1953–1954 gg. // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 21.
10. Otchet o rabotakh v 20 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 25.
11. Otchet o rabotakh v 21 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 27.
12. Otchet o rabotakh v 27 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 41.
13. Otchet o rabotakh v 28 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 44.
14. Otchet o rabotakh v 29 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 47.
15. Otchet o rabotakh v 31 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 54.
16. Otchet o rabotakh v 32 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 60.
17. Otchet o rabotakh v 33 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 61.
18. Otchet o rabotakh v 36 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 57.
19. Otchet o rabotakh v 38 reyse // Muzey mirovogo okeana (MMO). F. 1/1. № 279/2.
20. Otchet o rabotakh v 42 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 102.
21. Otchet o rabotakh v 43 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/7.
22. Otchet o rabotakh v 44 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 105.
23. Otchet o rabotakh v 46 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/9.
24. Otchet o rabotakh v 48 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/10.
25. Otchet o rabotakh v 49 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 116.
26. Otchet o rabotakh v 50 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 117.
27. Otchet o rabotakh v 51 reyse // MMO. F. 2. № 1617/36.
28. Otchet o rabotakh v 52 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/16.
29. Otchet o rabotakh v 53 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/17.
30. Otchet o rabotakh v 54 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/18.
31. Otchet o rabotakh v 55 reyse // Arkhiv IO RAN. Op. 7. D. 127.
32. Otchet o rabotakh v 56 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/20.
33. Otchet o rabotakh v 57 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/23.
34. Otchet o rabotakh v 58 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/25.
35. Otchet o rabotakh v 59 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/27.
36. Otchet o rabotakh v 60 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/30.
37. Otchet o rabotakh v 64 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/32.
38. Otchet o rabotakh v 65 reyse // MMO. F. 1/1. № 279/34.
39. Luk’yanov V. V. Nekotorye osobennosti letnego mussona nad severo-vostochnoy chast’ Indiyskogo okeana // Trudy IO AN SSSR. 1965. № 78. S. 81–91.
40. Fronert V. V. Zona mezhpassatnykh zapadnykh vetrov v tsentral’noy chasti Tikhogo okeana // Trudy Instituta okeanologii. 1960. T. 40. S. 40–43.
41. Shishkov Yu. A. Meteorologicheskie usloviya v umerennykh shirotakh severnoy chasti Tikhogo okeana vesnoy 1969 goda // Trudy IO AN SSSR. 1973. T. 91. S. 14–20.
Price: 50 рублей
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