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The Scientific Opinion" № 11 ( juridical science, sociological and economic sciences), 2015


S. B. Murashov
Price: 50 руб.
 The article introduces the concept of an integrated approach to solving problems of social  risk management in organisations. The author considers the factors ensuring organisational efficiency of social risk management and measures aimed at reducing organisations’ socially induced riskogenics. The article suggests variants of possible behaviour strategies for decision-makers in organisations under the risk of internal social destabilisation and characterises various manifestations of social risk and common approaches to assessing and minimising the infl  uence. The author justifi  es the necessity to develop management mechanisms for social risk prevention in every organisation; these mechanisms are supposed to be based on the new type of communication and more effective communication models, and generally — on the socially oriented approach to management.
Key words: sociology of risk, management risk, social risks, riskogenics of an organi-
sation, management of social risks, factors of social risks.
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Price: 50 рублей
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