M. L. Levitskiy, K. V. Khlebnikov, O. Yu. Cherkashin
Price: 50 руб.
The article grounds the prerequisites and conditions for the transition to a qualitatively
new stage of the post-industrial economy – the quality of life economy. The authors
study the factors and indicators that determine the quality of life. The article covers the
correlation between the life quality categories and the quality of life itself. The authors
suggest an integrated economic life quality indicator that is measured with the ratio of
price to benefits’ value according to categories of goods. The authors also introduce the
coeffi cient of population’s non-obligatory (excessive) spending, analyse cross-border
characteristics of educational services’ accessibility, and define the subject and objec-
tives of the theoretical research in this area.
Key words: quality of life economy, post-industrial economy, quality of life, human
potential development index, quality of life index, coeffi cient of population’s non-ob-
ligatory (excessive) spending, coefficient of the institutional environment quality, coef-
ficient of state productive spending.