l. A. Listrovaya
Price: 50 руб.
The research not only reveals the notion of infanticide and its reasons, but also shows
the historical development of ways of child murder from the Qin dynasty till the spread
of child murder through drowning in the time of Ming-Qing. The author of the paper
considers the meaning of the term “infanticide”, describes the classification of various
ways of child murder and involves historical and literature sources bearing evidence of
the spread of newborns’ murder practice in China. The author also shows the reasons
for child murder and prevalence of various murder methods and finds out that in the
time of Ming and Qing epochs the prevailing method of child murder in China was
drowning. The paper is marked by scientific novelty and touches upon the issues of
Chinese traditional culture that were not studied in Russia previously. The work involves the sources only in foreign languages (English and Chinese) due to the lack of study of the infanticide issue in domestic sinology and absence of scientific works on this subject.
Key words: murder of newborns, drowning of female children, infanticide, childbirth,
gender inequality, gender infanticide.
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