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The work discusses the principles of the subjective perspective of Russian-language
translations of Confucius’ treatise “Lun Yu” from the functional-communicative point of
view. Two translations are used – by V. P. Vasiliev (1884) and L. S. Perelomov (1998).
The treatise is understood as a dialogic text implying polysubjectiveness. The author of
the paper defines subjects of modus (Confucius and his disciples), subjects of dictum
(Confucius, noble man, disciple, generalised personal subject) and types of subjective
organisation of text.
Key words: subjective organisation, polysubjectiveness, modus, dictum, functional
and communicative grammar.
1. Grigor’yeva T. P. Dao i logos. M.: Izd. firma «Vost. lit.» RAN, 1992. 104 s.
2. Zolotova G. A., Onipenko N. K., Sidorova M. Yu. Kommunikativnaya grammatika russkogo yazyka. M.: Nauka, 2004. 544 s.
3. Malyavin V. V. Konfutsiy. М., 2007. URL:
4. Onipenko N. K. Teoriya kommunikativnoy grammatiki i problema sistemnogo opisaniya russkogo sintaksisa // Russkiy yazyk v nauchnom osveshchenii. M., 2001. № 2. S. 107–121.
5. Trufanova E. O. Yedinstvo i mnozhestvennost’ Ya-M.: kanon-plyus, 2010. 255 s.