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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015


G. D. Valieva
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper is devoted to the history of studying the structure of descriptive texts in the
Bashkir language. The author gives a definition of the term “description” and studies the
kinds and types of description. Special attention is paid to the structure and semantics of
interior and landscape descriptions in the form of a complex syntactic whole; the types
of description introductions and endings are analysed. The author characterises features of some object in descriptive microtexts: the form, composition, structure, volume and quality of the description object.
Key words: complex syntactic whole, description, introduction, ending, interior,
landscape, portrait.
1. Valieva G. D. Strukturno-semanticheskaya organizatsiya opisatel’nykh mikrotekstov v bashkirskom yazyke: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Ufa, 2002. 26 s.
2. Zakir’yanov K. Z. Tekst kak osnovnoy didakticheskiy material na urokakh russkogo yazyka v bashkirskoy shkole: posobie dlya uchitelya. Ufa: BIRO, 2000. 94 s.
3. Iskuzhina F. S. Tekst i sredstva ego organizatsii v sovremennom bashkirskom yazyke (na materiale proizvedeniy khudozhestvennoy literatury): avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Ufa, 2000. 24 s.
4. Isҡuzhina F. S., Vәlieva G. D. Bashҡort telendә tekst teoriyaһy һәm metodikaһy. Өfө: Zәynәb Biisheva isemendәge «Kitap» nәshriәte, 2011. 168 b.
5. Lysova O. Yu. Strukturno-semanticheskaya organizatsiya opisatel’nykh fragmentov teksta: avtoref. dis. ... kand. filol. nauk. Ufa, 1998. 20 s.
6. Nechaeva O. A. Funktsional’no-smyslovye tipy rechi. Ulan-Ude: Buryatskoe knizhn. izd-vo, 1974. 136 s.
7. Safiullina F. S. Tekst tөzөleshe. Kazan: Kazan univ. neshr., 1993. 263 s.
8. Timofeyeva I. N., Vengrova N. Kratkiy slovar’ lingvisticheskikh terminov. M.: Uchpedgiz, 1935.
9. Tikeyev D. S. Bashҡort teleneң sintaksik tөҙөlөshөn өyrәneү. Өfө: Kitap, 1996. 144 b.
10. Tikeyev D. S., Vәlieva G. D. Bashҡort telendә tekst strukturaһy һәm semantikaһy. Өfө: Ғilem, 2002. 176 b.
11. Әkhmәtyәnov K. Ә. Әҙәbiәt ғileme һүҙlege. Өfө, 1965. 257 b.
Price: 50 рублей
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