I. N. Timoshenko
Price: 50 руб.
As many other Edith Wharton’s works, the stories “Afterward” and “Pomegranate Seed”
are based on the conflict between the power of logic of a rationally thinking person and
mysterious events that are inscrutable for human mind. The writer uses a traditional set of this popular genre (mystery, ghost, spirited away characters) to create a moral and psychological study. Supernatural allows the author to deal with ethic issues and touch upon really important problems of human being: good and evil, life and death, guilt and expiation.
Key words: ghost stories, mysterious, supernatural, phantom, myth, gothic attributes.
1. Dom s prizrakami. Angliyskie goticheskie rasskazy. SPb., 2007. 576 s.
2. Singley C. J. Edith Wharton. Matters of Mind and Spirit. Cambridge, 1998. 261 p.
3. Wharton E. N. The Ghost Stories of Edith Wharton. N.Y., 1973. 276 p.
4. Wharton E. N. The Writing of Fiction. N. Y., 1925. 125 p.