A. N. Ogarkov, A. V. Ryabov
Price: 50 руб.
The article is devoted to the ideological control of artistic life of the Soviet state in the
period of the realism formation in Soviet art. The Wanderers played a significant role in
the establishment of the Association of Artists of Revolutionary Russia. In 1922–1926
the Association organised eight exhibitions and strengthened the economic base of the
artistic process.
Key words: Soviet art, association of artists, artistic process, ideology, revolutionary
1. Vechernie izvestiya. 1922. 15 maya.
2. Izvestiya. 1922. 12 maya.
3. Katalog khudozhestvennoy vystavki «Krasnaya Armiya». 1918–1923. M., 1923.
4. Katsman E. A. Zapiski khudozhnika. M., 1964.
5. Knyazeva V. P. Assotsiatsiya khudozhnikov revolyutsionnoy Rossii. L., 1967.
6. Krupskaya N. K. Pedagogicheskie sochineniya. M., 1959. T. 7.
7. Lobanov V. M. Khudozhestvennye gruppirovki za poslednie 25 let. M., 1930.
8. Pravda. 1926. 17 yanvarya.