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The Scientific Opinion" №11 (Art history, philology and culturology), 2015


S. G. Farkhutdinova
Price: 50 руб.
 “The first poetics” and “the first aesthetics” of the baroque were recorded in the treatises
urging to connect art with rhetoric and demanding rational judgement. “The second
aesthetics and poetics” of the baroque followed the theories of “affect”, “freedom”,
“surprise”, “deception”, “suddenness”. The esthetics of postmodernism is characterised
by non-systematicity, incompleteness, openness of design, plurality of languages, which is giving rise to a myth, a metaphor about a metaphor, a story about a story and, thus, postmodernism turned out to be connected in many respects with the principles and poetics of the baroque.
Key words: postmodernism, baroque, art, style, principles, poetics, aesthetics.
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11. Morozov A. A. «Man’yerizm» i «barokko» kak terminy literaturovedeniya. L., 1966.
12. Morozov A. A. Problemy yevropeyskogo barokko // Voprosy zarubezhnoy literatury. 1968. № 12. S. 111–127.
13. Shifrin B. Intimizatsiya v kul’ture // Daugava. 1989. № 8. S. 88–94.
14. Mandelstam O. Gespräch über Dante // Russisch und deutsch. Leipzig; Weimar, 1984.
Price: 50 рублей
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