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"Humanities and Science University Journal" №13 (Physical and mathematical, biological and technical science), 2015

Key Risk Indicator Approach to Evaluating the Efficiency of Research Organizational Systems

D. Yu. Raychuk, A. A. Muzalevsky
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper presents a method to investigate organizational systems (OS) and research
organizational systems (ROS) based on the application of the key risk indicator approach. These systems are regarded as complex social formations with an ordered internal structure and a variety of internal and external links among their elements, human relations included. The fundamental concepts of the key risk approach are considered, terms and their definitions are introduced. The main characteristics of OS and ROS are determined and analyzed. Key indicators and indices are identified. The definition of a complex indicator and the principles of data convolution and generalization are proposed. A step-by-step scheme of indicator application as an instrument to assess the efficiency of ROS is developed. The present paper is the first in series of articles that introduce the characteristics of ROS, the methodology of indicator usage, and the examples of employing the proposed approach to assess the effectiveness of some ROS activities.
Keywords: organizational systems, research organizational systems, efficiency, indicators, indices, system characteristics, data convolution.
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Price: 50 рублей
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