B. M. Abubakarova
Price: 50 руб.
The article deals with some issues of the use of modern tools of teaching a foreign language. The author considers the signifiance of information and communication technologies in the process of teaching specialists in the fild of international management.
Key words: competence, authentic, information technologies, active methods of
teaching, modern language teaching technologies, method of teaching.
1. Abubakarova B. M. Yezhegodnyi konkurs gruppovykh prezentatsiy // Vestnik INZhEKONa. 2013. S. 252–253.
2. Gosudarstvennaya programma Rossiyskoy Federatsii «Razvitie obrazovaniya na 2013–2020 gg.». URL: minobrnauki.rf
3. Medintseva I. P. Kompetentnostnyi podkhod v obrazovanii// Pedagogicheskoe masterstvo: materialy II Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. (Moskva, dekabr’ 2012 g.). M.: Buki-Vedi, 2012.
4. Gavin Dudeney & Nicky Hockly. How to teach English with Technology. Pearson — Longman, 2008. Р. 7–8.
5. Mark Powell. Dynamic Presentations. Cambridge University Press, 2011.