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"The Scientific Opinion" № 9 (Psycho-pedagogical and philosophy of science), 2015


E. I. Nikolaeva, A. Yu. Sorokina
Price: 50 руб.
 The psychological characteristics of parents who obtained the status of “unemployed” for less than a year and over a year are compared in the paper with the same characteristics of their children-teenagers. The quality, correlation and regression analyses were carried out. It is shown that the longer is the period of parents’ unemployment, the lower is their self-estimation and level of aspiration. The same regularity is found among children. With the extension of parents’ unemployment period, their level of self-effectiveness and that of their children descrease. Immediately after obtaining the “unemployed”status, parents’ index of hostility increases and the index of agressiveness decreases. These indices among children are at middle and low levels. With the extension of the unemployment period, both indices grow among parents and children. Self-estimation and level of aspiration of children are connected with these parameters among parents and decrease while their parents have the “unemployed” status. A child’s aggression and hostility grow as his/her parent’s self-estimation and level of aspiration decline.
Key words: “unemployed” status, parent, teenager, self-estimation, level of aspiration,
agressiveness, hostility.
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Price: 50 рублей
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