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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015


N. A. Nikolaeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The paper reveals the necessity to study the stylistic features of the National Romantic
style in furniture. The materials of Finnish museum collections are examined in the
paper for the fi rst time, based on the example of Vitträsk, a style-forming residence
of E. Saarinen. The author provides a brief summary of the Northern Modern artistic
furniture funds in Petersburg and the Northwest Region. The method of museum
reconstruction is used for the fi rst time as a visualised presentation of a complex stylistic analysis of interiors and exteriors.
Key words: Northern Art Nouveau, interior, art furniture, museum reconstruction,
Vitträsk, E. Saarinen.
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9. Crist-Janer A. Eliel Saarinen. Helsinki. 650 S.
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320 S.
11. Hausen M. Eliel Saarinen/ Suomen aika. Suomen rakennustaineen museo, 2015. 357 S.
Price: 50 рублей
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