The thematic TV programme “Sevastopol Sketches” is considered in the paper as an
effi cient way of attracting young people’s attention to the patriotic theme. Studying the
behaviour features of the modern TV audience, the author notes the relevant and perspective form of presenting information — infotainment, which aims to inform through entertainment. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the educational TV project “Sevastopol Sketches”, based on the intersection of documentary and feature fi lms, and “The Russian Empire” series. The author highlights the key features of the project “Sevastopol Sketches”: constant referring to vivid details, enriching the plot emotionally and imaginatively, depicting events through the life of a particular (“private”) person; visualisation of a problem; vivid imagery; simplifi cation of the presented information, etc.; application of linguistic techniques — language play and irony; dramatisation of stories; fast pace of presenting information.
Key words: journalism, TV channels, thematic programme, infotainment.
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