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"The Scientific Opinion" № 7 (Art history, philology and philosophy of science), 2015


E. N. Vasetskaya
Price: 50 руб.
 The article considers the meaning and signifi cance of death in human life. The article is written as a result of the author’s permanent interest in the dynamics of personality structures of the human psyche in adulthood, as well as new experience of the author’s own life. The work is carried out in the process of leisurely and pleasurable reading of Seneca’s letters. This paper aims to review the content, opportunities and tasks of the last stage of human life, the time when man meets his death. The author considers a brush with death as a resource state for personal development. Death is the most important event of life. The author denies the truth of the assertion that the most valuable thing is human life, if life is understood in a literal physical sense. The author argues that man is only himself when in his soul there is something, for which he is willing to sacrifi ce his life. The author considers the ways of possessing time of one’s life; features of the relationship with time in old age; typical cases of personal metamorphoses in connection with the experience of approaching death.
K e y words: life, death, being, non-being, existence, value, transcendence, intentionality, time, past, present, future, freedom, courage, wisdom.
1. Seneka Lutsiy Anney. Nravstvennye pis’ma k Lutsiliyu. [Elektronnyi resurs]: podgotovl. po pech. izd. 1977 g. M.: Nauka // Elektronnaya biblioteka bookz.ru. URL: http.//bookz.ru/authors/seneka-lucii-annei/seneka/1-seneka.html (data obrashcheniya 02.06.2015).
Price: 50 рублей
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