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"Humanities and Science University Journal" № 12 (Art history, philology and historical sciences), 2015

Nikolai N. Ogloblin on Certain Aspects of Activities of Administrators in Yeniseisk and Mangaze (17th Century)

I. A. Silayeva
Price: 50 руб.
 The scholarly legacy of N. N. Ogloblin who researched an enormous body of archival documents of the Siberian Order includes, inter alia, the studies of the activity of voivodes, clerks and minor offi cials of Mangazei and Yeniseisk of the 17th century. N. N. Ogloblin demonstrated the diverse functions of local administrators including collecting a yasak from the indigenous people,establishing relations with trade and industrial entrepreneurs,and interaction with the Moscow government.
Keywords: N. N. Oglob lin, Mangazey, Yeniseisk, voivodes,abuses, petitions.
1. Ogloblin N. N. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo Prikaza (1592–1768 gg.).
Ch. 1. Dokumenty voevodskogo upravleniya. M., 1895.
2. Ogloblin N. N. Obozrenie stolbtsov i knig Sibirskogo Prikaza (1592–1768 gg.).
Ch. 3. Dokumenty po snosheniyam mestnogo upravleniya s tsentral’nym. M., 1901.
3. Ogloblin N. N. Proiskhozhdenie provintsial’nykh pod’yachikh v XVII veke //
Zhurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosveshcheniya (daleye — ZhMNP). 1894. № 9.
Otd. 2.
4. Ogloblin N. N. Proiskhozhdenie provintsial’nykh pod’yachikh v XVII veke //
ZhMNP. 1894. № 10. Otd. 2.
Price: 50 рублей
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